Monday, June 9, 2014


A few drops of lemon oil sprinkled in the dishwasher
before running a load will help make the dishes sparkle
and cut soap and mineral deposits on the interior of
your dishwasher.

Eating too much chocolate? Inhaling some peppermint
oil can help reduce the cravings.

"Boo-Boo Cream" for kids with cuts, scrapes, and bruises:
2 Tbs Coconut Oil, 8 Drops Lavender, and 8 Drops

Some chiropractors have found that by applying the blend
Valor to the bottoms of their patient's feet, spinal
manipulations are easier to do and last 75 percent longer.

The different oils that make up the blend Trauma Life can
release the emotional burdens caused by abuse, accidents,
loss of loved ones, and other major stressors. The primary
oils in Trauma Life are valerian, lavender, frankincense,
sandalwood, and rose.

Breast Health Protocol: Rub 5-6 drops of frankincense on
each breast. Then apply several drops of a second oil,
rotating sandalwood oil, myrtle, and tsuga. For breast
protection, it's best to do this protocol daily for 3 weeks,
3-4 times per year.

Studies have shown that cinnamon oil is capable of killing
at least 92% of the bacterial strains tested.

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